Friday, March 20, 2020

The Novel Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse †Informal Essay

The Novel Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse – Informal Essay Free Online Research Papers The Novel Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse Informal Essay The novel Siddhartha, written by Hermann Hesse, is about a young Brahmin, Siddhartha who has potential to be a prince among his caste members, and lives in India. During his youth, he grew up in a family that practices Hinduism, which they learn everything from their holy book only. The rituals and mantras they have taught Siddhartha and his best friend Govinda seem more a matter of custom than a real path that could lead to true enlightenment. He leaves his family to go with a group of Samanas, who are starved, half-naked, and must beg for food, but only because they believe enlightenment can be reached through asceticism, a rejection of the body and physical desire. He lived as a Samana for years. He mastered everything to reach the true enlightment; he was close to perfection. However, everything collapsed when he met Kamala and Kawaswami. When Siddhartha was attempting to master the material world, as he approached more, he became part of the material world, instead of becoming the true master of the material world. He was no longer skinny, naked Samana but a wealthy, fancy, greedy, and well-fed merchant. After recognizing that he had a dream to reach the true enlightenment, he left the city and went to Vasudeva, the ferryman, who told Siddhartha that he will return to him. Siddhartha confessed his sin, and started to mediate to reach the true enlightenment. After meditating for couple years, he met his old friend Govinda, who still follows Gotama but has not attained the kind of enlightenment that Siddhartha now neglects. Govinda came to see the sage man seeking for advice, and he didn’t recognize Siddhartha when he was giving Govinda advice. Through Siddhartha’s advice, two samanas found the true enlightenment that they have been looking for all of their lives. My favorite part of the novel was Siddhartha’s mind. To reach his goal, he did everything whether he had done it reluctantly or pleasingly even though he was quivering in the middle of the novel. His dedication to reach his goal was unbelievable. He ditched every pleasure that he could have received just to reach his goal. He was also extremely courageous in some aspects. He was courageous when the asked his father for permission to leave with a group of Samanas. Siddhartha lived in a society where younger people respected and adored elders. It was difficult for Siddhartha to go up to his father and get permission to leave with a group of Samanas. The least favorite part of the novel was the quivering moment of Siddhartha’s life. When Siddhartha met Kamala, he started to fall apart spiritually. Siddhartha fell in a love with Kamala, and she became more important than the true enlightenment. At the same time, Siddhartha was attempting to master the material world, as he approached more, he became part of the material world. Then he met Kawaswami who was a businessman. Which provoked Siddhartha to become a businessman. All of his effort and time to become a true enlightened samana became nothing. I was disappointed at Siddhartha he got affected by two people, who seemed like had no effectiveness at all. When I look myself and compare my faith with Siddhartha’s faith, mine’s nothing because I am not as dedicated, enthusiastic, and courageous as Siddhartha. If I were in Siddhartha’s situation, I wouldn’t talk to my dad to leave with a group of samanas even though I wanted to, because I am not extremely courageous. Also, I wouldn’t leave the city if I started to make money, and become rich. Only the dedicated ones could leave like Siddhartha did in my opinion. The novel made me to think of the number people who actually practice their religion as much as Siddhartha with same dedication, enthusiasm, and courage. In my opinion, Eight-Fold Path and Four Noble Truths of Buddhism is what they use it as guides to reach Nirvada, after their death. It works like Ten Commandments for Christians. I understand Eight-Fold Path and Four Noble Truths of Buddhism as Buddhism version of Ten Commandments. I think I will never be able to apply theses to my life unlike Siddhartha because I have to give up everything that I possess. The novel is well written. It made me to think what a human could do when they’re trying to reach goals. After reading the novel, I learned that human has unlimited power to do things. The unlimited power exists when you are mentality is set to do something. Research Papers on The Novel Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse - Informal Essay19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHip-Hop is ArtQuebec and CanadaWhere Wild and West MeetThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseMind TravelComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Spring and AutumnTwilight of the UAW

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Lewis Structure Definition and Example

Lewis Structure Definition and Example Lewis structures go by many names, including Lewis electron dot structures, Lewis dot diagrams, and electron dot structures. All these names refer to the same sort of diagram, which is intended to show the location of bonds and electron pairs. Key Takeaways: Lewis Structure A Lewis structure is a diagram that shows the covalent bonds and lone electron pairs in a molecule.Lewis structures are based on the octet rule.While Lewis structures are useful for describing chemical bonding, they are limited in that they do not account for aromaticity, nor do they describe magnetic behavior accurately. Lewis Structure Definition A Lewis structure is a structural representation of a molecule where dots are used to show electron position around the atoms and lines or dot pairs represent covalent bonds between atoms. The purpose of drawing a Lewis dot structure is to identify the lone electron pairs in molecules to help determine chemical bond formation. Lewis structures may be made for molecules that contain covalent bonds and for coordination compounds. The reason is that electrons are shared in a covalent bond. In an ionic bond, its more like one atom donates an electron to the other atom. A Lewis structure is named for Gilbert N. Lewis, who introduced the idea in the article The Atom and the Molecule in 1916. Also Known As: Lewis structures are also called  Lewis dot diagrams, electron dot diagrams, Lewis dot formulas, or electron dot formulas. Technically, Lewis structures and electron dot structures are different because electron dot structures show all electrons as dots, while Lewis structures indicate shared pairs in a chemical bond by drawing a line. How a Lewis Structure Works A Lewis structure is based on the concept of the octet rule in which atoms share electrons so that each atom has 8 electrons in its outer shell. As an example, an oxygen atom has 6 electrons in its outer shell. In a Lewis structure, these 6 dots are arranged so an atom has two lone pairs and two single electrons. The two pairs would be opposite each other around the O symbol and the two single electrons would be on the other sides of the atom, opposite each other. In general, single electrons are written on the side of an element symbol. An incorrect placement would be (for example), four electrons on one side of the atom and two on the opposite side. When oxygen bonds to two hydrogen atoms to form water, each hydrogen atom has one dot for its lone electron. The electron dot structure for water shows the single electrons for oxygen sharing space with the single electrons from hydrogen. All 8 spots for dots around oxygen are filed, so the molecule has a stable octet. How to Write a Lewis Structure For a neutral molecule, follow these steps: Determine how many valence electrons each atom in the molecule has. Like for carbon dioxide, each carbon has 4 valence electrons. Oxygen has 6 valence electrons.If a molecule has more than one type of atom, the most metallic or least electronegative atom goes in the center. If you dont know the electronegativity, remember the trend is that electronegativity decreases as you move away from fluorine on the periodic table.Arrange electrons so each atom contributes one electron to form a single bond between each atom.Finally, count the electrons around each atom. If each has 8 or an octet, then the octet is complete. If not, proceed to the next step.If you have an atom that is missing dots, re-draw the structure to make certain electrons form pairs to get the number on each atom to 8. For example, with carbon dioxide, the initial structure has 7 electrons associated with each oxygen atom and 6 electrons for the carbon atom. The final structure puts two pairs (2 sets of 2 dots) on each ox ygen atom, two oxygen electron dots facing the carbon atom, and two sets of carbon dots (2 electrons on each side). There are 4 electrons between each oxygen and carbon, which are drawn as double bonds. Sources Lewis, G. N. (1916). The Atom and the Molecule, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 38 (4): 762–85. doi:10.1021/ja02261a002Weinhold, Frank; Landis, Clark R. (2005). Valency and bonding: A Natural Bond Orbital Donor-Acceptor Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 367. ISBN 0-521-83128-8.Zumdahl, S. (2005) Chemical Principles. Houghton-Mifflin. ISBN 0-618-37206-7.